Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wedding Cake

What a week! I spent a good part of it making this cake. Wedding cakes take forever!! I must say that I cringe whenever someone orders a "simple" square cake. YIKES I should charge more for simple. People, we need decoration to cover the flaws:) THIS time, I discovered bench scrapers. It not only gave me a 90 degree angle to make the sides straight, but it also was a smooth enough surface to give me a pretty nice edge. UGH. I pray for a round cake next time:) Anyway, this cake was four layers. The top was chocolate cake with cherry filling. The next one down was chocolate with raspberry filling. 3rd layer was yellow cake with white chocolate, cream cheese mousse filling. Lastly, the bottom was spice cake with bavarian cream filling. YUM A NUM. It feels good to be all done. The reception was BEAUTIFUL. They used burgundy and dark chocolate colors. Cranberries were the theme all over. They made garlands, pinned them all over lil' styrofoam balls, filled vases. Very classy.


Heidi said...

Oh, Karen! It's beautiful! I know simple is a pain, but I love it. You've truly out-done yourself!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! WOW! (It's true in photography as well, simple & clean is where you can see true talent in photography-- when it's all covered up with actions, layers, textures, etc. then it's easy to miss the flaws.) But this, my friend, is gorgeous! You met the challenge!

Heidi said...

Oh - and when do we get the recipes for this yumminess?!?

Allison said...

This is so beautiful Karen! Thanks for sharing. I can only imagine the details that went into making this. You are amazing!