Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gluten free can be yummy...I guess

Costco's quinoa and wild rice mix is great! Add a little chicken broth and Parmesan cheese...nummy.

Tom's chili is to DIE for!!! He's got it down to perfection!! MMmmmm.
 Since finding out that my oldest is intol. to gluten, I have been trying to find tasty food that will keep him happy. He was always the one that loved bread, pasta, etc. So this has been really hard for him. There is so much out there now, though. We've found some really great substitutes. Bob's Red Mill is my hero!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lovin' my day off:)

It's springtime and that comes with lots of baseball watchin'. These are still from 2010, but I am slowly making progress. I tried out my new Scor-Tape double sided adhesive in my Cricut for the banner...LOVE it. It is paper backed so it will stick to the Cricut mat while cutting. Some of the other brands are slippery and won't stay put while cutting.

I added this "book" because I couldn't crop these pictures and there wasn't room to squoosh them all on the page. I'll jsut make a cut-out in my album page protector and we'll be all good.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Something blue...

We had milk for "washin'" the desserts down. I love the crafe I found at Target...$4!

Michael helped me make the turquoise chocolate accents for the brownie bites:)

The whole shabang!

April 1st marked 50 years of my in laws' marriage. What a fabulous day it was. We tried to keep it secret, but Dick kept asking and prodding for weeks. It was tough to keep our stories straight. Tom's sister, Patty, had to email us to keep us up to date on the latest story we were sticking to. Tom's brother, Mike, and his sister Jodi and fam came in to join us. Sharon's sister, Carolynn and her hubby drove over from Yakima as well. It was so fun to see everyone together. Sharon and Dick were so happy. It was such a special day...full of emotion and love. It was remarkable. I will always remember it.

I was in charge of the dessert table...WOO HOO! It was fun collecting blue and turquoise items.