Thursday, January 19, 2012


I am attempting a Garganshoooous flower made of gumpaste. As I started forming the petals, I discovered that the flower is going to be way too heavy to put on the side of the cake. So, I decided to make only this central part of the flower one piece. Then the bigger, outer petals can glue on the cake itself around the center and cascading down the cake. I can't wait to see the finished product. I normally don't like to think about cakes too far in advance, but I am so glad I do on this little wonder. I probably would have made the flower whole, had I not thought about how heavy it would be...or I would have waited til it was too late to wait between adding rows. ..only 36 more petals to make for the cascade. Lovely.

1 comment:

Katie-Lou said...

This FROWER is HHHUUUGGGEE!! Wow, you impress me a lot! wowsers girl!